Spaghetti with Shrimp and Pesto


It is nearly November and comfort food is the order of the day. But sometimes you want to enjoy a comforting meal with the bounty that you preserved from the summer harvest. So, if you have pesto in the freezer in cubes or in a jar from the Italian section of the market, this meal requires 5 ingredients. We made it tonight in under 15 minutes and it was fabulous! ~ Glyn

Spaghetti with Shrimp in Pesto

2 cubes pesto or 1/2 c prepared pesto
1 cayenne pepper, seeded and chopped or ½ tsp red pepper flakes
½ c grated parmesan
1 lb shrimp (any size)
4 oz pasta (gluten free)
1tbs oil for the pasta
1 tsp salt for the pasta

Shell, devein and cut the shrimp into 1/2” pieces. Thaw the pesto cube in a saucepan. Stir in the cayenne and saute until the pepper is tender.

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Meanwhile, cook the pasta. When the pasta is nearly done, add the shrimp and cook until the shrimp floats.


Drain. Toss with the pesto/pepper mix. Top with grated parmesan


This entry was posted by Glyn Ruppe-Melnyk.

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